You define your goal, PKO Inwestomat analyzes your needs and possibilities and recommends investment funds that are appropriate for you.
A wide range of financial instruments - stocks, futures, bonds and funds
Do you value convenience and time saving in investing? Try Akcjomat Investment Program.
Buy selected units of funds with a reduced or waived fee for acquiring.
The sub-fund offers exposure mainly to debt instruments (including government and corporate bonds). Its investment spectrum also includes, to a small extent, equity instruments, in particular ...
The sub-fund offers exposure mainly to debt instruments (including government and corporate bonds). Its investment spectrum also includes equity instruments (primarily equities) or ...
The sub-fund offers exposure mainly to debt instruments (including government and corporate bonds) and equity instruments (primarily equities). Its investment spectrum covers also ...
Check reports on investments in structured products and Banking Securities and the list of serviceable products
PKO Bank Polski introduced a structured deposit to its offer, in which the value of interest depends on the behavior of the S & P500 index.